Donate to the Jim Carney Cancer and Blood Services Treatment Centre
The Jim Carney Cancer Treatment Centre was built so that many Northlanders would be able to have treatment in Whangarei, in a state of the art facility, saving the long trip to Auckland and back.
If you require assistance from the Jim Carney Cancer Treatment Centre please email admin.oncology@northlanddhb.org.nz
Northland Community Foundation was the force behind the original fundraising programme to build the Cancer Treatment Centre. “Project Promise” galvanised a region to raise $3m in 3 years for this vital Centre for people in Northland dealing with Cancer.
Project Promise touched the hearts of thousands of Northlanders who gave willingly and generously to support this new building and many people will benefit every year as a result. The large, light, airy facility with superb equipment and furniture has already made a difference to those people on their journey with Cancer.
Although the centre is now built, your help is still needed. You might like to give to improve the facilities or to help get the “nice to have” things that make a patient’s visit more comfortable.
You can donate directly to the Health Fund PLUS – Jim Carney Cancer Treatment Centre Fund so your gift can be used now by the service and you receive a 33% tax credit. Visit our donate page here https://northlandcommunityfoundation.org.nz/donate/ to donate by credit card or through your bank account.
Or we can invest your gift and deliver the interest from these funds back to Health Fund Plus – Jim Carney Cancer Treatment Centre Fund every year, forever! Click here to find out more about How to grow your gift with the Northland Community Foundation
You can also gift through your Will, and it can be as much or as little as you want, either as a proportion of your estate or a fixed amount. See our Legal Resources page here for more information: https://northlandcommunityfoundation.org.nz/resources/legal-resources/
Get in touch with us to discuss either of these options here: https://northlandcommunityfoundation.org.nz/contact/
As part of the original Project Promise fundraising, the Northland Community Foundation ran the ‘Buy a Brick’ campaign which raised funds for the Centre. This Wall is now complete, and we have created a new Pohutukawa Donor Tree to recognise generous individuals, families, groups and businesses who wish to donate. To find out more click the link below…