Whangarei Children’s Ward

The new Paediatric Inpatient (Children's) Ward and Neonatal Unit at Whangārei Hospital was officially opened on April 19th 2024.

Although the fundraising campaign is now over, the need for funding to maintain and replace worn out equipment, chairs, toys and games is ongoing. If you would like to support the children's ward to ensure it can provide the same welcoming environment for years to come, please click on the link below to make a donation.

Make a Donation Today

In 2022-24 Northland Community Foundation partnered with Te Whatu Ora in Te Tai Tokerau to fundraise for ‘optional extras’ to make the new wards and their furnishings child friendly, comfortable, and welcoming. A total of $257,000 was raised during the campaign to pay for sofa beds for caregivers, TVs, additional medical equipment, and toys and games for the playroom.

Northland Community Foundation would like to thank all of our donors and sponsors for their support. A huge thank you to Tikipunga Children’s Home, Te Puna Tahua Lottery Grant Board, Oxford Charitable Sports Trust, Lindsay Foundation, and the National Assistance Fund. We also extend a huge thank you to the many individual donors whose names have been included in a piece of artwork, which is sited at the entrance of the building, alongside the major donors and funders.

Supporters of the Appeal 

Special thanks go out to the following businesses and people who supported the appeal:

  • Mackenzie, pictured above, and her mum Rochelle. Mackenzie was the face of the appeal and has Rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism and Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood. She has had numerous visits to the Whangārei Children’s Ward both as an acutely unwell patient and for her three weekly infusions. For Mackenzie’s Story, please download the PDF document here: Whangarei Children’s Ward Refurbishment – Mackenzie’s Story
  • Kirsty Halliday for the beautiful photos of Mackenzie and her mum Rochelle at the Whangārei Hospital:

  • Oxford Sports Trust, who provided grants to pay for recliner beds and sofa beds.
  • The Lottery Grants Board, who provided a grant towards youth and playroom activities.
  • The Lindsay Foundation, who provided a donation towards youth and playroom activities.
  • National Assistance Fund, who provided a donation towards recliner chairs for the neonatal unit.
  • Many individuals and groups, who gave donations, big and small.
  • The Staff at Whangārei Hospital, for their support and guidance in choosing what was needed to make the ward a welcoming place for tamariki and their whānau.

Thank you all so much for your support.