Who Can Apply?

To be eligible to apply for a Grassroots grant your group should be working in the Northland community. Your project/initiative should be helping Families/Whānau by supporting the wellbeing of tamariki/children, rangatahi/young people, and/or whānau/families.

You can apply for up to $15,000 for projects starting no sooner than July in the year the funding is received and finishing within 6 months to 1 year.

The Northland Grassroots 2024 funding round is now closed. The 2025 funding round is expected to open in April/May 2025.

To find out more about how The Tindall Foundation describe their aims for supporting Family/Whānau through this fund, click here.

We really want your application to succeed; however, there are always more applications than funds. Before applying, first check you are eligible by reading ‘What we fund’ and ‘Exclusions’ below.

Check on our How to Apply page for all the documents you will need to make your application.

What we fund

We are looking for initiatives for families that:

Support the wellbeing of tamariki/children through their early years by:

  • Enhancing the capability of parents.
  • Supporting early childhood development, including language and literacy development, and social behaviour skills.

Support the wellbeing of rangatahi/young people by:

  • Promoting a positive youth development sector and growing its capacity.
  • Focusing on early intervention/prevention strategies for young people.
  • Supporting initiatives which promote identity and participation and equality of young people, particularly youth-led initiatives.
  • Working systemically to address youth employment, especially for those most distanced from the labour market.
  • Supporting and advocating for tamariki/children and rangatahi/young people, especially children in care, or the prevention of children needing to be taken into care.

Support the wellbeing of whānau/families by:

  • Providing and assisting whānau/families into stable, healthy, and affordable housing – especially home ownership.
  • Supporting the wellbeing of whānau/families in a holistic way, ensuring that their goals and aspirations are at the centre.
  • Promoting violence free homes.
  • Strengthening the identity and culture of whānau/families.

We are more likely to support initiatives that:

  • Support whānau/families experiencing multiple and intergenerational disadvantage
  • Put whānau/families at the centre
  • Are whānau/family-led
  • Use kaupapa Māori models of practice
  • Work holistically and provide wrap around support
  • Are grassroots
  • Focus on long-term solutions
  • Are collaborative
  • Are community-led


  • Core or Public Health Service, medical care, medical equipment, medical research, clinical health initiatives (within mental or physical health) or disabilities services, hospitals, and hospices. This includes initiatives where the ‘entry criteria’ for service users means that they have a physical, mental health or addiction issue or are living with a disability.
  • Core Education in universities, colleges, schools, or early childhood centres, including programmes, scholarships, equipment, or other activities that are curriculum related.
  • Research from outside a community without its direct involvement.
  • Sport, Leisure and Recreation including high-performance sport, sports clubs’ operational or programme costs, sport equipment, events, trips, and competitions.
  • The arts including art, drama or performing arts, museums, and galleries.
  • Overseas organisations or projects outside the geographic borders of Aotearoa New Zealand, overseas travel and expenses, and exchange programmes.
  • Individuals including scholarships, international travel to conferences, events or for research.
  • Buildings or land
  • Animal charities
  • Capital assets or equipment over $3,000.
  • Personal loans.
  • Endowment funds.
  • Religious or political advocacy, including religious advancement, political lobby groups, lobbying or marketing campaigns.
  • Venture capital initiatives.
  • Urgent or retrospective applications.
  • Sponsorships.

We are unable to fund an organisation for more than five consecutive years, and after three consecutive years we have to consider other criteria to ensure that the money is going where it is most needed.

Please note that accountability reports for previously received grants must be received and approved before further funding applications can be considered.