Child Health Advancement Research Trust Fund
Posted on: 01/03/21
On November the 16th 2020 the Northland District Health Board (Northland DHB) Child Health Services Team and Northland Community Foundation (NCF) held an afternoon tea and presentation to celebrate and energise the CHART fund (Child Health Advancement Research Trust). The presentation showcased research and quality improvement projects across many child health disciplines. Original organisers of the fund, Roger Tuck (retired Senior Northland Paediatrician) and Rod Gates (prior Executive of the CHART Trust) attended the event and offered closing comments applauding the quality and extent of staff input, both large and small projects, all contributing collectively to a rapidly evolving landscape. Yvonne Hunter, Child Service Manager thanked her team for all their hardwork
Ailsa Tuck, Roger Tuck’s daughter, Community Paediatrician at the Child Health Services Centre, helped coordinate the event. Ailsa mentioned, “Collaboration between the Northland Community Foundation and Child health services to re-invigorate the CHART fund has been a real win for Northland. This year’s project presentations are a heartfelt celebration of all the mahi that is happening. Equity, quality care and improving the whanau journey are all at the forefront of everything that we do. Whilst the data continues to hi-light the high levels of unmet need in Northland the CHART fund backs the clear evidence to prioritise investment in the early years of life. Northland is well known for innovation and we hope that growing the CHART fund will in turn support investment in local solutions.”