September is Wills Month
Imagine having the peace of mind knowing that when you're not around, your community will still be looked after. A donation to Northland Community Foundation in your Will makes this possible. Even a small gift plants a seed of generosity that blossoms for generations, nurturing all that is close to your heart.
September is Wills Month, and it’s a good time to write or update your will. Having a will gives you peace of mind that you have provided for the people and causes you care about, and will avoid costly complications for your family.
The Northland Community Foundation’s ‘smarter giving’ model, invests and protects gifts from wills, meaning that your generosity will have a lasting impact on the community. The gift stays with the foundation in perpetuity, and the income (interest earned) is distributed to worthy, local causes each year. In this way, the gift benefits the chosen causes forever.
This year we have partnered with Gathered Here to help you write your will for free. If you’d like to include a gift in your will to Northland Community Foundation, you can do so online, in a matter of minutes. It’s an easy option for those who have a simple estate structure.
Write your will online with
Gathered Here
If your estate is more complex, we recommend talking to your lawyer. Some wills are more complex, and will usually be written by a solicitor, in consultation with the client.
What makes a complex will?
- A large number of beneficiaries or beneficiaries who are hard to find.
- Property that needs to be sold.
- Many assets to deal with including a business or overseas assets involved
- Legal issues to settle within the estate.
- Complex family dynamics, including disputes between beneficiaries.
If you think your estate may be more complex, you can get in touch with your lawyer.
Northland Community Foundation is proud to recognise the following professional advisors, who are committed to encouraging charitable giving:
09 407 7099
09 438 4999 |
09 438 4239 |
09 459 7000 |
09 408 1600 |
09 407 0170 |
09 430 4350 |
09 438 3066 |