Puketi Forest Endowment Fund
The Puketi Forest Endowment Fund has been set up under the umbrella of Northland Foundation, for the maintenance and restoration of Puketi Forest.
Puketi Forest Trust, through its project ‘Oh Mai Puketi’ (Awaken Puketi), is working to restore and protect Puketi Forest, an ancient kauri forest located near Kerikeri. The Forest contains magnificent stands of kauri, podocarp and hardwood trees and a rich ecological diversity including 370 recorded species of plants, some of which are found nowhere else in the world. A comprehensive trapping network for pest control has been established over 5,500 hectares and significant progress has already been made to improve the health of the forest. This has enabled the return of abundant birdlife and re-introduction of North Island Robin and Kokako. Further re-introductions are planned.
You can gift to the Puketi Forest Endowment Fund and your gift can receive a 33% tax credit. Visit our donate page here https://northlandcommunityfoundation.org.nz/donate/ to donate by credit card or through your bank account. You will need to write Puketi Forest Endowment Fund in the comments.
We invest your gift with Craigs Investment Partners and deliver the interest from these funds back to the Puketi Forest Trust every year, forever! Click here to find out more about How to grow your gift with the Northland Community Foundation
You can also gift through your Will, and it can be as much or as little as you want, for example 5% to 10%. See our Legal Resources page here for more information: https://northlandcommunityfoundation.org.nz/resources/legal-resources/
Get in touch with us to discuss either of these options here: https://northlandcommunityfoundation.org.nz/contact/
To link through to Puketi Forest Trust’s website click here: https://puketi.org.nz/endowment-fund/
Click here for a brochure: Northland Foundation Puketi 3-fold brochure v3